Elementary school science trivia games

Spiders eat flies. They catch flies in webs. Pigs and monkeys are both omnivores. Caterpillars chomp their way through the leaves of plants. Omnivores naturally eat both plants and animals. Which one of these animals is an omnivore? Monkeys, apes and human beings are all omnivores. Some people are vegetarians. But we can eat both meat and vegetables. A lot of animals are omnivores. They will eat whatever they can. The eagle is a carnivore. Chickens scratch around.

They will eat grass, seeds and grains. But they will also eat small slugs, worms and insects. Tom is eating a beefburger. It is in a bun with lettuce and tomato. Herbivores eat only plants. Which one of these animals is a herbivore? Cows and sheep eat grass. Cows and sheep are herbivores.

The rhinoceros looks like a meat-eater. But the rhino is a herbivore. Only plants. Only animals. Only omnivores. Only carnivores. The rhino only eats plants. But it is a big animal and it can be very dangerous. How much does a queen bee have to eat each day to produce her eggs?

This is equal to 12 year old boy eating about 24, quarter pound hamburgers from McDonalds… every day! X The correct answer is 80 times her body weight! Our solar system is located on one of the spiral arms, quite far from the center. X The correct answer is a flat spiral. What is NOT found in sharks? The metal mercury is…. Mercury, or quicksilver, is also quite poisonous.

If you were to take a lump of coal and squeeze for a long time at very high temperatures, you would end up with…. X The correct answer is a diamond! It is now believed that dinosaurs became extinct because of:. A large meteorite is thought to have collided with the earth at the end of the Cretaceous period, some 65 million years ago.

The extinctions were caused by climate changes resulting from the collision. X The correct answer is a meteorite impact!

What is the chemical formula for water? H2O is the formula for water. This means that it contains 2 hydrogen H atoms joined to one oxygen O atom. When atoms are joined together they make a molecule. X The correct answer is H2O. What does a caterpillar change into? A caterpillar is one of the stages in the life cycle of a butterfly. The caterpillar eats lots of food then makes a case for itself called a chrysalis and comes out as a beautiful butterfly.

X The correct answer is a butterfly! What are clouds made out of? Clouds are made of water. When a cloud gets too full of water, it rains. X The correct answer is water! What does a carnivore eat? Carnivores are animals that eat mostly meat. X The correct answer is meat! Which of the following travels the fastest? Light travels at about ,, miles per hour! X The correct answer is light! What do you call a scientist that studies the stars?

Astronomers also study planets and other celestial bodies. X The correct answer is an Astronomer! The Equator divides the Earth exactly in half! The top half is called the Northern Hemisphere and the bottom half is called the Southern Hemisphere. X The correct answer is the equator! Animals - When They Grow Up. Energy - All About Sounds.

Energy - At Home. Energy - Electricity. Energy - Hot And Cold. Energy - It's A Colorful World. Energy - It's A Noisy World. Energy - Light And Dark. Energy - Shadows. Energy - Staying Safe. Energy - Using Our Senses. Forces - Blowing Things Up. Forces - Changing Shape. Forces - Going Faster.

Forces - Magnets. Forces - On The Move. Forces - Push And Pull. Forces - Stop! Forces - Stretchy Things. Forces - What Makes It Go? Investigating - Answering Questions. Investigating - Asking Questions. Investigating - Blowing Bubbles.


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