Eastern maine community college nursing program

Students will examine the pathways to achieving a healthy lifestyle as a foundation for advanced, professional Physical Fitness Testing PFT requirements for careers in law enforcement, corrections, and the military. Specific PFT requirements set forth by the Maine Criminal Justice Academy will be introduced and serve as the basis for goal planning in this laboratory.

CRJ Criminology 3 credits Introduces the use of criminological theory as a framing device for measurement, classification, and meaningful analysis of crime and criminality. Perspectives including classical, positivist, biological, psychological, social structural, social process, and social conflict are analyzed in turn to reveal the theoretical underpinnings of crime from a myriad of vantage points.

These are used to evaluate the ways in which developmental, psychological, and environmental factors may combine to encourage, facilitate, or promote criminality. Additionally, the role of victims is explored to understand the experience of victimization and issues related to it, e. CRJ Criminal Law 3 credits Provides students with a functional understanding of the ways in which criminal laws act to proscribe conduct that undermines social order in a constitutional democracy.

Students will examine the necessary component parts of a crime, i. Liability thresholds for criminal acts will be explored as well as the possible exceptions to criminal liability in the form of affirmative defenses. CRJ Police Operations 3 credits Reviews the roles and responsibilities of policing agents in the performance of their varied crime prevention and response duties.

It examines specific aspects of daily operation responsibilities such as traffic control, routine patrol, interviewing, report writing, and testifying. Students will gain insight to the reciprocal relationships between patrol and the command structures which oversee them. Additionally, the bases for legal authority and constitutional action are addressed in the context of officer safety and professional liability.

CRJ Ethics for the CJ Practitioner 3 credits This course provides an examination of human morality and its utility in for practitioners in the criminal justice system. It addresses the relationship between introspective, critical analysis of self and the use of self-awareness in the development of moral reasoning. Further, students will explore the relationship between personal, social, and professional definitions of ethical conduct. In respect to the latter, the unique demands confronting police, court, and corrections officers are examined in light of profession-specific dilemmas in the field.

The necessity of maintaining ethical identity and understanding the consequences for failure to behave accordingly are underscored. CRJ American Corrections 3 credits Reviews and situates the contemporary philosophical and practical applications of corrections against a historical landscape of punishment for unlawful conduct.

A survey of current practices in institutional and community corrections will give students an opportunity to understand the roles and responsibilities of probation, parole, and correctional officers as they fulfill the obligations of their professions. Students will also explore the parallel adult and juvenile justice systems to determine points of intersection as well as the gross differences between them in philosophy and practice.

Pre-requisites: CRJ 3 lec 0 lab. CRJ Criminalistics 3 credits Serves as an introduction to the application of scientific methods to the collection and analysis of evidence for forensic purposes. The roles and responsibilities of evidence collection specialists and forensic scientists are presented to establish their importance in the process of investigation and adjudication of criminal acts.

Students will be exposed to the techniques for analyzing various types of physical evidence, latent and otherwise, as well as the need for documenting and testifying to these activities.

CRJ Psychology of Cults 3 credits Introduces and explores the structure and psychology of totalistic cultic organizations.

Students will examine the key differences between conventional religious movements, splinter sects and cults to better understand the differences between varied faith-based organizations. Cults will be viewed both from historical and contemporary viewpoints in regard to recruiting practices, thought reform and control, personal and social consequences of cult membership, and the unique challenges that such groups pose for law enforcement.

Additionally, students will review the clinical precursors which may predispose an individual to cultic persuasion and indoctrination, as well as the psychological consequences of membership. CRJ Student Police Academy 3 credits Provides students interested in a career in law enforcement with an opportunity to learn under the instruction and supervision of current and retired law enforcement professionals.

The course utilizes a simulated academy environment to facilitate theoretical and practical hands-on learning of topics including, but not limited to: leadership and decision making; ethics; use of force; defensive tactics; officer safety; active threat engagement; building searches; crime scene investigation; Maine criminal and traffic law; high risk stops; interview and interrogation techniques; report writing and courtroom testimony; dealing with the mentally ill, and health and fitness police stress.

Successful completion of the SPA will prepare students for the rigorous and competitive process of applying to law enforcement training and employment venues in and outside of Maine.

CST Operating Systems 3 credits Provides an introduction to operating system basics with the intent of giving a student a deeper understanding of various operating systems. Students will learn some networking basics and information involving how to create mixed environments. CST Web Applications and Development 3 credits A practical hands-on introduction to the design and development of a Web site, this course introduces students with little or no experience in Web scripting to the concepts, syntax, and structure of xhtml.

The course will also include an introduction to Cascading Style Sheets CSS , an important presentation initiative, and Universal Design, the process of incorporating accessible design features into Web pages.

This course provides an understanding of program structure, procedures, and event programming through the use of hands-on labs and programming assignments. Designed to help students gain real-world skills that they will use every day on-the-job as a network technician. CST Customer Service Concepts 3 credits Provides an overview of customer service concepts and terminology and exposes students to various customer service challenges.

Students learn to identify different types of customer behaviors, determine customer needs through active listening, become effective verbal and non-verbal communicators, hone telephone customer service skills, learn how best to handle difficult customers, become aware of how to offer customer service within a diverse organizational environment, take steps to encourage customer loyalty, and practice service recovery.

CST Network Security 3 Credits Studies the fundamentals and implementation of network security including secure access methods and vulnerabilities in network protocols, operating systems, and network applications. CST Wireless Networking 3crs This course covers both theoretical issues related to wireless networking and practical systems for both wireless data networks and cellular wireless telecommunication systems.

Students will also work on a project that addresses some recent research issues in wireless and mobile networking. This course will introduce students to techniques necessary to make virtualization work in enterprise environments. Students will be exposed to the preplanning needed to implement virtualization, how to transition from a physical to a virtual environment, virtual management, the role virtualization plays in networking and storage, and how to automate basic management tasks.

Open to Computer Systems Technology students only. CST Capstone 1 credit Serves as the capstone course for all computer networking students and will integrate all of the networking skills acquired throughout the computer networking degree program.

In this course, students will design, develop and implement a network in a simulated or real-world environment. CST Cloud Computing I 3 credits Introduces cloud computing concepts, terminologies and methodologies with hands-on labs and basic programming assignments, providing a basic exposure to cloud platforms. Topics include the basic building blocks of cloud computing such as virtualization, load balancing, scalability and elasticity, troubleshooting and security.

Students will learn the building blocks for computing storage and content delivery through hands-on experience with core services while exploring the differences in security roles and responsibilities. Pre-requisites: CST CST Software Development and Marketing 3 credits Explores the software development process with an introduction to the software development life cycle, development methodologies and team-based production concepts.

The course will also cover basic considerations and strategies when marketing software to consumers. CTE — Teaching Process in CTE environments 3 crs This course examines interdisciplinary curriculum planning and various instructional strategies and assessment methods that effective teachers use to engage students in the learning process.

Formative and summative assessments, authentic and alternative assessments, rubrics, and standards-based testing are discussed. A competency-based Unit of Study with assessments and evaluations based on industry standards and any national curriculum currently in place will be developed by students who take this class. Other topics demonstrated and practiced include flavor development, hot and cold food presentation, garnish work, and culinary artistry. Intermediate level cooking and baking methods are described and practiced, including the dry heat and combination cooking methods.

Other topics discussed and applied include recipe testing and writing, plate and platter presentation, and health-conscious cooking. Students will also demonstrate menu balance and development, as well as catering service, through the planning and preparation of an American regional cuisine buffet. CUL Food Service Management 3 Credits Explores the basic principles of food service management by defining basic technical skills in the areas of organizing, directing, staffing, menu planning and pricing.

This course provides a foundation of knowledge and attitudes required for effective kitchen management. Upon successful completion of a final exam, students will be awarded a certificate by the nationally recognized Educational Institute of the American Hotel and Motel Association.

Fundamental as well as specialized technique will be practiced and reinforced through lecture, demonstration and practice. Students will prepare a wide variety of desserts including old world and new world examples.

Other cuisines might include Thailand, China, the Caribbean and more. Students are exposed to the techniques involved in the preparation of items such as tapas, osso bucco, and pad thai. Students research a selected area of foreign cuisine. Additional kitchen management procedures will be discussed and practiced as well including inventory management, facilities management, and food ordering.

DGD Introduction to Photoshop 3 Credits Designed to give students the acquisition of skills necessary to help build a basic foundation in digital image correction and manipulation. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to use Photoshop as necessary for commercial graphic art. Students will create, manipulate, edit, and enhance digital imagery. The student will be required to solve problems on their own, using textbooks and reference material.

DGD Digital Illustration 3 credits This course will cover digital illustration methods through the application of two-dimensional vector and pixel-oriented imagery raster.

Fine-tuning anchor points, shapes and Bezier handles along with color theory will be addressed. This course uses the Current Version of Adobe Illustrator. Adobe In-Design software will be used to design publications, posters and promotional materials.

Layout software, terminology, procedures and symbols will be used to complete and critique relevant problems in page design. Development of critical thinking skills and analysis, as they apply to graphic design will be emphasized.

Introduction to Page Layout will also cover a historic overview of print processes and the evolution to current technology. DGD Marketing Communications 3 credits Students will learn the tools of marketing and social media, how to understand and establish an online profile as well as ways to connect with others in this era of participating in the many to many media.

They will learn to effectively use and choose the right tools to help achieve individual goals. Weekly classes will focus on sifting through the vast array of these tools and this knowledge is imperative to managing an online Profile and marketing presence. DGD Introduction to Time-Based Media 3 credits Introduces the student to the design of media projects that have duration as a dimension which viewers experience over time Also referred to as 4D art and design.

Topics will include capturing high quality audio and video with DSLR cameras, along with timelines and editing in the Adobe Creative Suite, and final production of professional time-based media compositions. DGD Professional Business Practices 4 credits This course provides the student with the employment experience that is typical for the Digital Graphic Design technician in the industry.

It is designed to present the understanding of what working in a design office would entrail Collaborative projects when available with local firms, government, utilities, or other employers ensure a signficant work experience. This call will also give the student the opportunity to devleop a portfolio for job interviews, or application to other institutions of learning. The student will be required to meet with the instructor on a weekly basis to discuss the status of the portfolio and to go over new assignments for supplementing the portfolio.

The student will be using various software in the development of the portfolio. It is the responsibility of the student to learn or brush up their skills in order to use this software. DGD Advanced Digital Graphics 3 crs This course will introduce students to advanced topics in Digital Graphic Design through the use of various software and hardware.

This class will focus on the main Graphic principles of Components, Composition, and Concepts. Students will be encouraged to solve problems on their own as well as in teams. Introduces drafting and print reading as related to the Plumbing industry with special emphasis on residential and light commercial buildings.

Emphasis when applicable will be placed on drafting and design as related to the building construction industry. This course also places a strong emphasis on working from written specifications.

Emphasis when applicable will be based on drafting and design as related to the fine woodworking and cabinetmaking industries. Assignments will be introduced to include coordinate systems, creating geometric shapes, editing object elements, modifying existing objects, working with layers, adding text to drawings, dimensioning, creating layouts and view ports, managing object visibility in selected view ports, basic 3D design and plotting drawings using external output devices.

Theories of child development and the learning process will be introduced. Skills acquired as a result of this course will provide the students with the needed information to assess development and plan activities and experiences to individualize learning.

Legal and ethical practices and confidentiality issues will also be discussed. A grade of C or better must be achieved to pass. Prerequisite: ECE or permission. ECE Cognitive and Affective Development 3 Credits Theoretical aspects of cognitive and affective development will be studied with regard to the whole child.

Experiences that promote learning, social relationships, self-awareness and moral development will be explored. Students will review growth and development of these two age groups with special emphasis placed on the importance of relationships and bonding with caregivers.

Planning developmentally appropriate curriculum that makes use of effective healthy and safe routines and environments will be taught. Students will practice writing learning experience plans individual and group based on state standards.

How to support and partner with parents will be stressed in this course. Students will explore various methods and techniques for supporting development and learning for children with exceptionalities. Specific early childhood curriculum models of will be reviewed in depth and compared to other curriculum models.

Opportunities to gain experiences by communicating effectively with parents, staff and children in an approved early childhood environment will be provided.

Increased responsibility for all aspects of teaching and leading children including handling transitions, behavior management and planning curriculum will be emphasized. Open only to matriculated students in ECE. Prerequisite: ECE ECO Introduction to Microeconomics 3 Credits Course provides an overview of the principles of microeconomics and their use in understanding, critique, and analysis of economic issues. Topics emphasized include the economic decision-making of individuals and firms; markets and the price mechanism; market structures; uncertainty, control of resources, and income; market failures; and the role of government in markets.

This history of autism will be reviewed as well as current practices in making appropriate diagnosis of this exceptionality. Strategies for supporting development and learning in all domains will be explored. An emphasis will be placed on social skills and language development.

Various educational techniques will be explored. An emphasis will be on the theories and research and their application to educational settings. ELC Introduction to Electrician's Technology 3 credits Provides an introduction to the expectations and requirements of today's Electrician.

Emphasis will be placed on promoting success in the Electrician's Technology program. Career building topics include employability skills, construction basics, safety including the OSHA hour card, orientation to the electrical trade, and communication skills. Technical topics include introduction to DC and AC circuits, Ohm's Law, the power formula, right triangle trigonometry, vector addition, electrical components, and an introduction to the NEC.

ELC Basic Electricity I 3 Credits Studies the principles of direct current electricity, focusing on the theoretical concepts of direct current circuits and instruments as they apply to electrical and electronic components and equipment.

ELC Basic Electricity II 3 Credits Considers the principles of alternating current electricity, focusing on the theoretical concepts of alternating current circuits, as they apply to electrical and electronic components and equipment. ELC Electric Motors 3 Credits Studies the principles of electric motors and generators as they apply to the electrical industry. Students install electric motors and diagnose problems with them. ELC Electrical Controls I 3 Credits Addresses concepts, materials, diagrams, and circuits relative to residential wiring applications, along with appropriate National Electrical Code articles.

ELC Transformers 3 Credits Covers the principles of transformers and three-phase power, and diagnosing their service problems in the electrical industry. ELC Electrical Blueprint Reading 3 Credits Covers the principles of commercial and industrial electrical blueprint layouts, with emphasis on specifications, estimating procedures, interpreting one-line diagrams, power distribution layouts, and lighting layouts.

The laboratory component provides practice in patient assessment, airway management, CPR, automatic external defibrillation, oxygen delivery, hemorrhage control, splinting, spinal immobilization, childbirth, lifting and moving patients, and extrication.

This course includes clinical experience in ambulance service. Students who successfully complete this course are eligible to sit for the National Registry of EMT's certification examination. Topics covered include roles and responsibilities of ALS providers, medical terminology, self-care, and initial patient stabilization and management. Students will learn how to obtain a history and perform a physical assessment on a patient. In the lab, students will learn advanced airway skills, perfect ventilation techniques, and perform basic cardiac rhythm interpretation.

An introduction to the pathophysiology and management of cardiovascular and respiratory disorders will be provided. This course serves as a core course for the EMT-Intermediate licensure. First, it serves as a fresher for those currently licensed EMT Intermediates wishing to become paramedics.

Second, it is a required course for students who will be licensed at the EMT-Intermediate level. Students will review and practice all EMT-I curriculum and skills in an interactive seminar format.

The course includes multiple case studies, interactive lab sessions, and creative teaching methods. The course concludes with mandatory skills tests to assure mastery of the topics covered in the EMT-I Curriculum. Topics covered include the physiology, assessment, pharmacology, and treatment of acid base balance disturbances, cardiac rhythm alterations, lead ECG analysis and the acute coronary syndrome.

In the lab, students learn advanced paramedic skills such as cardiac arrest management and clinical decision making. There may be an additional cost for ACLS certification. Topics covered include the physiology, assessment and treatment of breathing disorders.

In the lab, students learn advanced airway procedures such as endotracheal intubation, CPAP, Capnography and clinical decision making. There may be additional cost for ACLS certification.

EMS Paramedic Clinical Preceptorship and Field Internship I 3 Credits This faculty directed practicum provides the opportunity for each student to develop competency in clinical skills within the hospital and pre-hospital setting. Clinical rotations occur in cardiac care units, newborn nurseries, labor and delivery, post-anethesia units, one-day surgery, geriatrics, respiratory, cardiology, emergency room, operating room, and others.

The pre-hospital rotation allows students to assume the role of the EMT-Paramedic in order to perfect clinical and assessment skills.

During this rotation, the student will primarily observe and assist the precepting paramedics. The student works under the direction of an experienced EMT-P. ENG College Composition 3 Credits Emphasizes rhetorical principles, accuracy of expression, organization, and longer essays in order to help students think logically and write clearly.

In addition, students prepare a research paper. A passing grade in this course or its equivalent is a graduation requirement of all degree candidates.

ENG Introduction to Literature 3 Credits Seeks to develop in students an appreciation of literature and insights into human values that can result from close studies of it.

Students will read, discuss and write about selections that represent interpretive literature. ENG Creative Non-Fiction Writing 3 Credits Explores developing non-fiction material using fictional techniques such as dialogue and narrative voice.

ENG Creative Writing 3 Credits Provides students with the opportunity to explore and develop their own writing style in a mutually-supportive environment. Focuses primarily on short fiction and poetry with consideration of other genres. Prerequisite: ENG with grade of C or higher or instructor permission.

ENG Topics in Film Credits Focuses on a different topic in film each time it is offered: may be taken more than once for credit. Topics will be determined by the department. Students will address a variety of writing situations by selecting appropriate methods of development, including letters and memoranda, informal and formal reports, technical instructions and a professional resume.

In addition to written assignments, students will conduct a technical briefing at the conclusion of the course. Prerequisite: ENG with grade of C or higheror instructor permission. Texts used will be from Western and non-Western cultures as the class explores this worldwide genre.

Writing Intensive. Pre-requisite: ENG with a grade of C or higher. Required for students with department-determined result on placement exam s. For each of those students, a passing grade in this course is required to pass ENG Prerequisite: Refer to Placement Chart on page 38 or departmental recommendation.

Co-requisite: ENG Residential, commercial, and industrial power distribution will be covered. One-line diagrams, fault calculations, per unit calculations, arc flash, and other power systems analysis will be covered.

A project using EasyPower software will be required. EPT AC Electricity 3 Credits Covers the fundamentals of magnetism, AC power generation, terminology, phase angles, reactance, oscilloscopes, and other test equipment.

In addition to studying Chapters of the NEC, real-world wiring installations will be examined. EPT Fluid Power Technology 3 Credits Examines all aspects of pneumatic and hydraulic fluid power systems including component selection, component installation, function analysis, basic system design, troubleshooting, and testing techniques.

Machines to be examined include DC shunt, series and compound motors and generators as well as single and three-phase motors and generators. EPT Control Systems 3 Credits With an emphasis on applications and troubleshooting, this course introduces electromechanical and solid state control devices used in industrial control systems. Students will gain skills in the selection, design, and installation of circuits using relays, time delay relays, contactors, motor starters NEMA and IEC , overload relays, pushbutton operators, selector switches, proximity switches, photoelectric sensors, and variable frequency drives.

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Welcome to Eastern Maine Community College. Great College. Clinical rotations may involve evening, daytime, and weekends based on the availability of clinical sites and instructors. In order to progress and graduate from the Nursing Program, students must maintain passing grades in clinical coursework, concurrent with maintaining at least a C 75 exam average and course grade in all required nursing theory courses.

Further guidelines are provided in the Nursing Student Handbook. The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the associate degree nursing program is continuing accreditation through The Maine State Board of Nursing may refuse to grant a license on the basis of criminal history record information relating to convictions as described in Title 5, Chapter , Subsection 2 of the Maine Revised Statutes, Annotated.

Teamwork and Collaboration Collaborates with respect, truth, and fairness as an effective member of the healthcare team. Evidence-based Practice Demonstrates evidence-based clinical decision making using the nursing process.


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