Easy way to ftp files

Select your FTP server. This will connect to your FTP server. Create files in the FTP server. Upload photos to the FTP server. While there isn't much that you can upload from your iPhone, photos and videos are still feasible to upload: Tap the Photo Library option on the FTPManager main page. Select an album. Tap Edit Select a photo or a video. Tap Copy to at the bottom of the screen. Tap your FTP connection. Select a folder, then tap Save. Method 5.

Download the AndFTP app. Open AndFTP. It's at the top of the screen. In the "Hostname" text box, type in the address of your FTP server in the "server. For example, to connect to a test FTP server, you would type speedtest. If your FTP server requires you to log in with a username and a password, enter your credentials in the "Username" and "Password" text fields.

It's at the bottom of the screen. Enter a name. Select your connection. Tap the name of the FTP server that you just created. Doing so will open it. Log in if prompted. If asked to enter your login credentials, enter your username and password. If asked for anonymous users only, type anonymous into the "Username" text box. Upload files. Keep in mind that this only works for servers for which you have permission to upload. Select a folder to upload to, then do the following: Tap the phone-shaped icon at the top of the screen.

Find a file that you want to upload. Tap and hold the file to prompt a checkmark to appear on its icon. Tap the Upload arrow at the top of the screen. Tap OK when prompted. Data can't be uploaded offline, as an Ftp server is hosted through the internet. Not Helpful 4 Helpful 8.

Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. Check your FTP server's documentation before attempting to connect to the server. You may find that the server requires specific login details which otherwise render the server inoperable.

Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0. If you don't own the FTP server to which you're connecting, you most likely won't have upload permission. You Might Also Like How to. How to. About This Article. Written by:. Co-authors: Updated: March 25, He has over two years of experience writing and editing technology-related articles. He is technology enthusiast and an English teacher.

The wikiHow Tech Team also followed the article's instructions and verified that they work. This article has been viewed , times. This wikiHow teaches you how to understand and use File Transfer Protocol FTP to move files from your computer to a web server and vice versa. Install FileZilla. Open FileZilla. Enter your FTP server info. Enter your username and password. Click Quickconnect.

Browse the folders on the right to see what's on the server. Browse the folders on the left to see what's on the local drive. Right-click a file and select Upload or Download. Did this summary help you? Yes No. Log in Social login does not work in incognito and private browsers. Please log in with your username or email to continue. No account yet? Create an account. Edit this Article. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy.

Cookie Settings. Learn why people trust wikiHow. Download Article Explore this Article parts. Tips and Warnings. Related Articles. Article Summary. Part 1. FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol, and is a connection method designed for transferring files from a remote server to local computer, and vice versa.

FTP is often used in corporate and academic settings, and is the primary way of managing webpage servers. Understand the parts of an FTP address. When you come across FTP addresses on a webpage, they are usually denoted in the same way as a usual webpage address—with a couple of exceptions: For example, you might see ftp. This means that the address is ftp. You will need both of these when connecting to the FTP server. If the FTP requires a username, it may be written as username ftp.

If no username is specified, then you will usually need to enter "anonymous" as the username when you connect. It is affordable and easy to use, even for the technologically challenged. No software is needed, other than the browser you're using right now.

You and the users you set up have your own section of our secure web site for uploading and downloading files. See for yourself how easy it is by uploading and downloading files using our demo account. New Features Multiple file uploads - Drag multiple files or folders into our Java powered upload utility.

A progress bar and upload status for each file is displayed. Multiple file downloads - Download multiple files at once with our Java powered download utility. A progress bar and download status is displayed for each file. A small command line FTP client ftp. This command line FTP client is more suited for intermediate or expert users that require more flexibility and automation for batch files.

A black colored window will open awaiting for commands. Press the question mark? To see the description of the command, insert the question mark key first and followed by the command, for example,? I already know the file I want to get.


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